Saturday, November 17, 2012

Why Should You Buy Through a Shelf Reliance Consultant? Did you know, if you don't have a consultant, you will see RETAIL pricing when you go to This could be a difference of up to 50%! No one wants to pay retail, ever. Solution - just get a consultant to add you as their customer or shop through their personal website. Mine is and you get DISCOUNTED pricing. To get an even deeper discount, the same discount consultants get, just start up a Q - auto ship of Thrive foods at a budget you choose. Lots of rewards here besides BEST pricing. This pricing is called Home Party Pricing which is the pricing you get when you attend a home party. You get to KEEP this pricing when you join the Q. The other reason to shop through a consultant, besides getting our BEST pricing, is you are supporting one family after another, and helping families around the world through our Thriving Nations Program which is a "pass it forward" gardening/nutrition program for families in 3rd world countries. So you can pay the same price for a can of broccoli and have your proceeds support one company, or buy a premium can of broccoli and have your money support many families nationwide and worldwide. Support your local consultant who is probably your friend or family, like me, by purchasing Thrive through them. And help bless lives each and every day!

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